Thursday 6 December 2012

Why is exercise so fucking terrible?

Today I'm going to talk to you about exercise.
Some people love it and many hate it. I am one of the latter.
I do exercise though. I am healthy. I eat well but whenever I do happen to go for a little jog or have to walk somewhere, I hate it. I get sweaty, uncomfortably warm, tired, lazy. You name it, I feel it.
There is a myth out there that whenever you exercise, you get this rush or happy endorphins flow through your body. Yeah, that's a lie. A big fat bowl of bull. I feel like shit before, during and after I exercise. There's no way around it. That's just the way it is. Sometimes I feel like that will never change. I have been running for about a year now. Not everyday but around 3 times a week and I have gotten about say... 4% more fit then what I was to start with. I have also never experienced "Runners High." I would really love to but that ain't gunna happen.
There is another myth out there that is just shitting people (well me anyway); running is a great time to think. To reflect on life. I don't know about you, but when I run, all I think is, "When is this shit over? Fuck me, I'm going to die. Just make it to the end of the street... ugh, fuck it."
It doesn't help that I look like a demonized basset hound when I run (see picture below).
Anyway, that's my rant about exercise. Although I hate it to an extreme degree, I still do it. Why? I have no fucking clue. Maybe because it's supposed to be good for you or some shit like that. And I am going to get "Runners High," one day even if it kills me.
It Could Be Better

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