Monday 3 December 2012

I just want to live. Is that really too much to ask?

I am young. I have a lot of life left to live. Like a lot and to be completely honest, I am scared.
My posts probably make me seem like a tough guy but in all honesty, I am a weak, scared little baby bird, just about to fly out of the nest for the first time and is not sure what awaits.
Will it be good? Will I be happy? Will the life I expect to have, actually happen or is that phrase people say to you, what was it... oh yeah, "Follow Your Dreams," a big hoax?
I really hope not because I only get one life. There isn't room for big mistakes that will change your life forever, and not for the better. What if I pick the wrong career, partners, home? Life is one big question and in some ways, it sucks, it really does, but I guess in some ways, it doesn't? I'm still not sure.
I don't want to be unhappy. No one does, I'm sure, but I don't want to screw up. I have made some mistakes and they are not fun. But those were little things. Meaningless hiccups that don't affect anything nowadays.
It is almost to that crucial time in my life where I must make my own decisions. Decisions that decide my fate for the rest of my existence and I'm scared. I'm so scared that I will screw up.
I wish I could go back. To a time where nothing really mattered. Where Mommy didn't care that you hit Timmy in the sandbox with your bucket because he stole your juice box.
We shouldn't have to work until we die. Where is the fun in that? I don't want to spend the rest of my adolescence preparing for an expected outcome. I don't want to have a job like my Mom who complains after work everyday about her douchebag boss. Life is too short. Life is too damn short and I just want to enjoy it. Please tell me everything will be OK.
It Could Be much Better

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