Sunday 2 December 2012

Oh Twitter. Why do you hate me?

So just last week, I joined the magical site called Twitter. It was such a fantastic experience that I wanted to share it with anyone privileged enough to be reading my inspiring tale.
Well, it started out OK. I mean I was posting and editing my profile to make it seem like I was a boss without trying but then things started to go downhill fast.
A couple of days after I joined, I had about 8 followers which I thought was a good start. I followed them back because that seemed like the nice and fair thing to do but then they unfollowed me so I was left with about say, 4 followers. They had tricked me! So I went through all the people I was following and unfollowed the unfollowers like a boss. That didn't change the fact that I had about 2 followers by this stage. I guess it turns out that all tweeters are a**holes. Just saying.
Unfortunately, it didn't get better from there. Originally, I had a picture of a banana peel thrown onto the ground. I thought it symbolized users in this world but I soon tried to change it. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen because Twitter hates me.
So I was stuck with about 1 follower this late in the game and a profile picture that would never change.
I started to debate whether it was even worth it. Apparently, Twitter and I, were just not meant to be.
I do need to cancel my account...s. Yes, I have tried previously and no, it did not go any better. I am afraid though that if I do enter back into the magical site known as Twitter in order to cancel said accounts, something even worse will arise and I will be left. The banana peel. Lying on the ground. Used by Twitter.
It Could Be Better

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