Friday 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. I love the tree, the weather (in the northern hemisphere where I am currently not residing), the family gathering, the gifts (lets stop kidding ourselves and say it is not all about family. We love getting presents. It's somehow ingrained in us to love receiving gifts. Whoever doesn't say this lies).
Anyway, there are some things I don't quite understand about Christmas.
  1. The whole stringing popcorn and cranberry's together. Where did that idea arise? In what way do popcorn and cranberry's relate? I don't want to be dissing on other people's traditions with these opinions but I just don't understand. I am also to lazy to look it up though. OK, that was a lie, I just did: first of all, it's called a "garland." Fancy. But it is some kind of American tradition dating back awhile or something like that. Wouldn't it go moldy...?
  2. The second thing isn't what I don't understand but more along the lines of it bugs me: fake trees that already have lights and ornaments placed just so. Did you know you can get those? Decorating the tree is supposed to be a family bonding time and if it's already done for you, there is so emotion, no meaning. The ornaments that my family decorate with have sentimental value like they belonged to my Grandmother or we picked them out together or they remind us of favorite movies or shows. All the while listening to Christmas songs such as my favorite: "The Christmas Song," (creative huh?) Decorating the tree is actually one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
  3. I'm sure there are more but I don't want to be too much of a buzz kill.
Overall, whether you make a "garland" or not or whether it's not even Christmas you celebrate but Hanukkah or the Winter Solstice, if you're with people you care about and are grateful with what you have (because it could be much worse), I'm sure your holidays will be filled with joy.
I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season and my hearts go out to all those children and teachers who were unable to celebrate as well as the families and friends who couldn't celebrate without them because of the governments stupid ass gun laws.
Merry Christmas, It Could Be Better

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