Monday 3 December 2012

Fly That Freak Flag.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but technology and me do not mix well. At the end of the day, I am much more comfortable just writing on a piece of paper. It takes me about 5 times as long to compose a text message than regular folk and the reason I do not upgrade to a Google + account is because when I saw the preview of what it would've looked like, my brain melted slightly.
I attempted to change a few things as simple as a background in this said preview when my eyes sort of glazed over, just a little.
It's not like I don't like technology. I do. I would love to be the next Zuckerberg (minus the lawsuits) and my Kindle is my best friend but the fact of the matter is, it is just one of those things that I will never fully understand and that's OK. It is OK to suck at things. If everyone was good at everything, no one would be special. If everyone was a Zuckerberg then nobody would be a Zuckerberg. You get what I'm saying? Of course you do.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is, stop trying so f**king hard people. You want to know the truth? No one really gives a s**t.
That hot guy just down the street who you're checking out, the reason you are cursing yourself for wearing the dreaded Fat Pants doesn't give a s**t about them. Wear them with pride. Let your freak flag fly and stop trying to impress everyone because in the end, no one really cares whether you suck at technology. Just live.
It Could Be Better

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