Saturday 23 February 2013

New Years Resolutions Update.

If you happened to read my first two posts of 2013, you'll realize that I wrote down some of my New Years Resolutions to share with you. I came up with a few more that I wrote down later but as for the original ones I wrote to you all, I am going to give you an update on what I've achieved. Some good, some ... less than good.
  1. Be more open towards people and stop caring so much. YES! I am suddenly, just this year, way more confident. Maybe it's because of my status at school? Maybe I'm finally realizing that there is more to life than caring what others think because, let's be honest, they don't really give a shit. Overall, check.
  2. Stop watching The Bachelor. Uh... Let's just say that I have failed this one. But get this, out of like 30 seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, only like 2 couples have made it work. I guess I'm not surprised. They have like a month to choose who to marry out of like 30 people. No, just no. Anyway, overall status on number 2, not so check. (I apologize for using "like" so many times in that paragraph). 
  3. Take more photos. No! I'm really annoyed because I feel like the cameras I have are lame and crappy so I feel like it won't even be worth it. Poo bum. Also, my life is kind of boring. What could I take pictures of when I'm at school all day? Overall, uncheck.
  4. Dress nicer. Hell yeah! I've worn sandals and skirts and pretty bras... Nuff said, check.
  5. Be happier with self. I think so. I hardly ever have days anymore where I feel sad and generally unhappy because I think that no one likes me or something silly like that. I'm cool. I'm awesome actually and people want to be my friend so I must be doing something right. CHECK.
  6. Don't be embarrassed at silly things. Oh, dear. So many embarrassing things have happened to me this year. I feel like I should tell you to make you all feel way better about your lives. About a week ago, I was eating some nuts in the library when the Grinch-like librarian told me (quite loudly, I might add, so that everyone around could hear me getting yelled at for eating some nuts) to get out so as I left, I ended up spilling those nuts all over the floor. I had to pick them up with about 20 people watching. I thought I would pass out from embarrassment. I haven't even told anyone that story because I was too shamed. Moving on. Another was when I was walking down the hallway to my next class and a sort-of friend waved in my general direction. A normal person may have just smiled and moved on, but me, being ... well, me, waved back (enthusiastically (I was in an unusually chipper mood that day)) and realized that they were waving at someone else. No. Not just any someone else. Like the hottest being I have ever seen. Just imagine Nirvana in face and pecs and hair and... well, everything form and that's your guy. He looked at me like I was butt flavored soup... (see picture below). I then crawled into a hole and died. So, overall, no. I did not overcome this and probably never will if my life continues to suck. 

So I guess you win some, you lose some, eh?
It Could Be Better

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