Monday 7 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions. Hmmm... (part 1)

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! This is one of my favorite holidays. Not only because it is pretty much part of Christmas (my actual favorite holiday! Yay!), but it is an excuse to start over. To renew yourself and change what will make you a better person and to become happier. The "New Year" title somehow makes it possible to start over. It gives people a goal. Me being one of them.
I'm going to share with you (whoever you may be), my New Year's Resolutions...
Last year, I made some pretty unrealistic and unofficial ones, such as -get a boyfriend, lose lots of weight, become super sexy, etc...
This year, I will make some challenging ones, but things that are achievable and will make me more confident and overall, happier.
  1. Be more open towards people and stop caring so much. Back in 2012, I was a bit closed off. I guess I was worried what people would think of me. No matter what I do, I think there will always be a part of me that will care what others think. Everyone should, to some degree, but only for the right reasons. This year, I want to be able to make more friends and converse with more groups within the school I attend and with it being my senior year, I want to leave an impression on people and stand out. I recently made one attribute to that goal; I cut off all my hair. It hung halfway down my back but the thing is, I didn't do anything to it. I just lay there. I had it because it was the norm. I just didn't think about changing it because no one else did. Not many people my age cut their hair into a pixie cut and I was scared but I'm not anymore. I want to be different and original. I don't want to look like everyone else. It was freeing and I feel and look great as well as being much more confident.
  2. Stop watching The Bachelor. No joke. STOP. IT IS A TERRIBLE SHOW AND SENDS A BAD MESSAGE. How it has run for 16 seasons is a mystery to me (it really isn't...(see image above))
  3. Take more photos. Not just for facebook, but for me. For inspiration. It is a great feeling when you take a really beautiful photo and you hang it up so you can see it everyday. I want that feeling all the time. I have bulletin boards around my room and have started to pin up clipping from magazines, quotes from books and inspiring people. When I wake up or even glance into my room, I see beauty, and it's wonderful.
  4. Dress nicer. My sister always borrows my clothes and I realized recently that I have all these wonderful clothes that I don't wear. It doesn't really make that much sense to me actually. Maybe because I'm afraid of standing out or taking risks. Well, NOT ANYMORE. (see numero uno).
By the way, I'm keeping a diary. Not a kiddy, "Bobby smiled at me today" type (which I guess my blog is?) but a 2013 organization one. I've never had one before but I should have because these things are fucking great. I'm writing all of my Resolutions down so that I can take them with me everywhere and write down more when they pop into my mind.
I'm really going to make this year count. I want to be a better person, for myself and others and this is just one step to making that happen.
*See my next installment of "New Year's Resolutions. Hmmm..." coming soon...
It Could Be Better

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