Monday 7 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions. Hmmm... (part 2)

(The reason why I didn't just write it all in one was because I get kind of nervous when I type a big amount without saving (cuz I'm weird like that ) (when I save, it goes all, "I hate you," on me). Whatever... Moving on.
     5. Be happier with self. I've noticed that I compare a lot. I don't intentionally do it. It just sort of happens. Like a reflex or something. I end up thinking things like, "look how cool he is. You could never get him," or, "that's a really nice skirt. It would end at the widest part of your leg and hence, make you look fat. Don't buy it." I have stopped most of this but some is still to be resolved and dealt with.
     6. Don't be embarrassed at silly things. A couple of years ago, this was really bad. I couldn't walk down the street alone because I thought people would think I was a loner. I couldn't get a book out at the library because I thought that the librarian was making fun of my choices. It was ridiculous. Seriously. Like crazy ridiculous. I am nowhere near as bad now but some things that others are comfortable with, I'm just... not. I want to be able to do what I want and not worry about others' opinions so much. This kind of ties back into number 1 and 4 & 5. So this is probably the one I need to work on the most and the Resolution that I really want to change. I mean, how hard can it be to just be comfortable in your own skin. My haircut has really given me a lot of confidence so that's a start.
Hmmm. I can't think of anymore. Maybe that's enough for now. One step at a time huh? I shouldn't have to rely on the New Year to make me decide to change. If I want to be a better person, I should just go and do it.
Happy New Year. Have a fantastic year.
It Could Be Better

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