Monday 28 January 2013

Why Can't We Just Live Like Sophisticated Cavemen?

I know, I know. It has been... what, like over ten days since my last post (whatever, I'm not a mathematician. Get off my back).
Anyway, I got back from my holiday about 3 days ago (tanned to a slightly darker shade of beige. Oh yeah) and I just didn't want to. I mean, normally, I quite enjoy the feeling of blogging but the last few days I've just felt like doing anything but. Maybe it's because I've been out of the loop for a bit and just need to get going and back into the habit and the feelings will come back. That's what I'm hoping anyway. I actually feel just a bit better about it since I started. Cool.
So there's something I don't quite understand about people. Why aren't we on holiday all the time? It was fucking awesome! Whoever invented work was a real A-hole. Why can't we just live like sophisticated cavemen? Why do we have to do all this stuff like taxes and bills? Life could be so much simpler and easy if we didn't have all these obligations and shit that we are expected to do.
We could just tan and swim and not try so fucking hard. Instead, we have to do things that no one really wants to do to survive! How fucking twisted are we?
There's this girl in my school that I kind of just want to punch in the face. There is a reason. I don't just go around wanting to punch peoples faces. God, who do you think I am? Anyway, she just tries too fucking hard. I mean, seriously. Good grades are great and all and if you work hard to get something, it's a great feeling, I'll admit it, but spending your entire adolescence studying for a future that is the same amount of work and commitment sounds like a fucking nightmare. Don't get me wrong, I do well in school. I get good grades. There is one other thing though. I enjoy the time that I don't really have to spend working. Every time I leave school to go home at a reasonable hour, I see her either in the art rooms finishing off a project that, lets be honest, was finished two days ago or in the library, staying until the doors close at 4:30 to cram in any more knowledge that she may have missed.
At the end of her life, she is going to look back and think, not about her wonderful experiences and joys, but how much she worked and regret it. Life is supposed to be FUN! You only get one of them! Don't waste it! Don't waste it trying to please people because lets be straight with each other, that's what she's doing. She doesn't really want to overachieve until she dies. That sounds awful. Fuck.
While, yes, I do try to get ahead in this truly sick world, I take a break once in a while and just... live.
It Could Be Better

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