Wednesday 9 January 2013

Bucket List.

First of all, why is a Bucket List called a "Bucket" List? In what way does a bucket relate to a list of things you would like to accomplish before you die? I'm a little lost there. Wait, I'll look it up...

So basically, the saying, "kicking the bucket," means that you die. This comes from a method of execution such as hanging or suicide in the Middle Ages where a noose is tied around the neck while standing over a bucket, presumably to catch the remains...? I get it now. I just needed to make the connections.
That was dark. Let's move on.
Everyone has a Bucket List whether they know it or not. I haven't really thought about it too much but there are things I would love to do before I die. It's kind of like Resolutions, but way more important. I don't really care too much if I don't finish a Resolution but things on my Bucket List are a different matter.
I don't want to get all religious on you, but I believe that once you die, you are dead and that's that. I guess you wouldn't really know if you had achieved your List or not if you are dead but I would really want to, and I am setting myself lifelong goals that are possible and will amaze me in ways that I could never imagine.
     1. Move away from New Zealand. Don't get me wrong, NZ's great but there's a whole world out there and I don't want to spend my entire life in one place. Since I am an American citizen, I guess I would take advantage of that opportunity and choose one of the many different places over there. Like New York City or Las Vegas or maybe even Alaska! I don't know. I'll figure that out as I go along.
A little bit fun.

A little bit crazy.

A little bit beautiful.

     2. TRAVEL! I know. It's the cliché, but c'mon! Who doesn't want to travel! I want to go everywhere. Places like Venice, Paris, Africa, Egypt, Antarctica and so many others it's not even funny. I know that it's a bit unlikely but even one would be the most incredible experience.
     3. Don't work until I die. This is one that I'm quite adamant about. What I mean by this is that I don't want to be so focused on a job I may have at the time, that I lose sight of life in general. There are quite a few films out there that show a super worker who neglects his or her family and just focuses on his or her job. I don't want to become this person and I will make it damn clear to my boss that family and friends come first. Maybe not damn clear, but clear enough and when the times arise where I must choose others...
     4. Hate my job in general. I really don't want to decide on something that I will regret for the rest of my life. I am confident that there is a job for me out there and I will find it. I feel a lot of pressure at my age to decide on something that I will have to do for the rest of my life. I don't want to screw it up. I really don't want to screw it up. Please don't screw it up. I am going to make damn sure that I choose the right one dammit.
     5. Be Remembered. This may be the one which could not happen. I wish though, that I could make my mark in any sort and in any way. You know how you read about influential people in magazines and news stories? Maybe not quite that spectacular but if I could help someone or change a life for the better, I feel like that would change me.
Maybe being someone spectacular in even the eyes of my family and friends will be enough for me.
I'm sure there are many other things I want to do before I die, but this is OK for now. I guess I'll figure it out as I go along...
It Could Be Better

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