Tuesday 23 April 2013

♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ ♩ ♩

If you have read any of my posts about life, you probably know that I am a little intimidated by it. Just a smidgen.
My brain is strange in the sense that I feel really good about it now. Just in this moment. Like everything that could become stressful or a nuisance just... isn't. Maybe it's the saxophone I'm listening to at the moment. That sounds weird, I know. But it just gets me feeling good. Really good. There's something about that sound that I just love. I'm especially loving this song at the mo. I don't normally see sax in modern songs but this ones awesome. Brings me back to memories of New York. Give it a go, man.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX3k_QDnzHE (three minutes in). Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Maybe that's why I love it so much. Thoughts of my old life. There would be this busker on the corner of the Main Street in my town who would play sax in this style every Sunday morning. I would hear it as my Dad and I would pass by to go to the market. I would just close my eyes and I swear, I could feel it pulsating through my veins like pure happiness and this would take control over my mind and body until I could no longer hear it.
I'm sure many of you have things that give you great joy in life and this is just one of mine like the smell of a greenhouse or the sight of my dogs dried drool stains on my pants. That one sounds especially weird, I'm aware, but I always envision her naivety and unawareness that she has done anything wrong. I find that adorable.
The sound of the saxophone just makes me forget about the stressful things in my life and the fact that I have so much left to live. I leave behind the worry and replace it with something else entirely.
It calms me down and makes me realize that some things... just aren't that important.
It Could Be Better

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