Monday 1 April 2013


Just to creep you out, I feel like I should tell you something a little strange.
I have a spider in my room. He is tiny. His name is Morty and he just won't leave.
Don't get me wrong, I leave my door open for him but he won't go. He walks around my ceiling. That is all he does.
Do spiders eat? If they need to, for survival, he must be bionic or something because he has been here for about a month. I know for sure he hasn't chowed down on anything in my room. Or has he...?
I mean, he seems happy enough. He's never told me otherwise. You would think that if he was, he would leave and make a better life for himself. He must like me :) There was this other spider around the day I found Morty. He was gone in the morning. Men.
Morty is getting bigger everyday. I must have meet him when he was a baby. Maybe he got lost or separated from his mother. Maybe he fled an abusive home situation. I don't know what the story is but I know that I'd never hurt him. He would never hurt me.
I don't want to come off as some bug miracle savior tree hugger type. Don't get the wrong idea. I kill bugs all the time.
Morty's different.
The first time I saw him, I was about to turn off my light to go to sleep. He was on the ceiling. Just strolling around. Maybe he had been there for months, years and I had just noticed him. I do find that hard to believe. He has such presence.
He could be 100 for all I know. He seemed to be going around in circles. Spiders tend to do that...
Anyway, I was too tired to get up and squash him like I would've normally have done so I just switched off the light to go to bed. The next night, there he was, in a different corner. He walks really fast though so don't think it took him all day to walk across the room. Oh no. He's a champ. He could run laps around me. Not that that is extremely hard to do in the first place but you get the idea.
Ever since then, I just couldn't kill him. I've given him an identity. I would feel like I was killing a friend.
He doesn't scare me like other spiders. There's this thing about him that makes me feel comfortable. With most spiders, I would be afraid that they would repel from the ceiling (I'm talking about real spy, ninja shit) and crawl into my brain during the night but not Morty. He's trustworthy. That's hard to find in a guy.
I kind of wish he had a better lifestyle. I mean, don't get me wrong, walking around upside down all day sounds fun and all, I just wish he had some kind of house to chillax in. Maybe a family. Some kids (or spawn, eggs, egg sack? I'm not really sure how that biology stuff works. I should really look that up).
Anyway, I don't know what'll happen to him. Maybe one day he'll walk out my door and I'll never see him again. Maybe I will but I won't even recognize him. Who knows what'll happen? Life's an adventure and you'll never know what one you'll have next.
It Could Be Better


  1. Hey It Could Be Better!
    This was the funniest thing I've read all day! Typical men ;)
    Keep it up :)

    1. Thank you Violet Joy! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
      And I know, Geez, men eh?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
