Friday 19 April 2013


My memory is very selective. I used to think that it just kind of sucked, really, but I remember things from when I was probably around four but not a couple years ago... Hmmm. Is everyone's memory like this?
Anyway, the selected memories that I do have and must be acceptable for my brain to store them just never leave my head. I feel like I will always remember them. I can't quite figure out if this is good or bad. I mean, they aren't terrible memories, just so insignificant to everyone else but me that I find them useless information. Why can't I recall the day my family and I went to that relatives house but I can recall the first day of kindergarten in which everyone was secretly laughing at my New Zealand accent and I got stung by a bee? I bet my memories are a bit morphed too. You know when you go back to your old childhood town or you see a movie you haven't seen in decades and the picture is just different to what you considered it to be in your head. I think that happens a lot to me.
I used to live in a small town near Christchurch, New Zealand, and my family and I went back there recently and it looked nothing like what I had remembered. It doesn't help that some bitches tore down my beautiful home and created three in its place.
A lot of my selected memories happened there. Like my first ever crush, Peter. He was super small and carried around a blanket at school everywhere he went. Or when I went to my friend Ellie-Rose's house and took a piece of paper from her printer and got yelled at by her mother. I wonder if the house I see in my head is even remotely close to what was actually there in front of me.
I feel very nostalgic now.
I could list off all the memories I have somehow considered important enough to remember but I don't want to bore you with my super interesting life...
I do wonder though, why I recall things that have no real meaning but I just cannot for the life of me recall normal memories that others can bring up with the snap of their fingers.
I can't help but think I'm defective in some sense. Like the gene elves who grant everyone with eye colour and coordination skills (missed that mark too) came to this option while serving me and said, "Uh... Nah."
You can never unsee this. I am so sorry.
Yeah, not really. 

It Could Be Better

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