Wednesday 1 May 2013

Encouraging American Genius.

You know when you were 5 and would draw many pictures and write many stories and then give them to your family to admire. I have a few lying around that I hope will accidentally burn in a fire some day but just a few days ago, I found this one story I wrote for creative writing at school and just had to share with you my genius.
Seriously, that's what it was called. I titled it "Encouraging American Genius." What was I thinking?! First of all, the story sucks and second of all, I was 5! Ha! See for yourself...
Please note that I have kept original spelling and punctuation in tact for authenticity...

...and your amusement.
Encouraging American Genius  
by... It Could Be Better
One day a litle bare went to get some water. but when he went got home his mother was not isn't there :O A note was on the table, "I kidnapped your nother!, try and find her, by tonight!"
The litle bare w, Jimmy, was sooooo scared. he went to find his mother down at the creek and there she was. The kidnapper got had to go to jail and Jimmy and his mother had the rest of the day near the creek
Uh... I think it was obvious I would grow up to love writing just by this story. I mean, right?
Wow, genius in the making, I was not mistaken, that is for sure.
It Could Be Better