Saturday 22 June 2013

It's Better.

So basically, I started this blog because my life was at a stand-still. I had a small group of friends who I would tell everything to. I had no love life whatsoever. My grades were good, not great. And life was fine. Fine.
I started to wonder what I could do to spruce things up and a blog popped into my mind. Why not? It could be anonymous so I could say whatever I wanted to without face to face judgment. I could write what I want, when I want. Diaries were never my cup of tea and blogging seemed like the next logical step.
I had quite a few stories up my sleeve and things that I wanted to vent so I went for it.
As of a couple of months ago, I've made a few changes and feel that I should share them with you.
They are good changes. Great even. I feel happier. I feel cool and like I fit in which, for me, hasn't always been the case.
I was at a party of one of these close friends and there was this guy. Not just any guy. THE guy. It sounds cliche, I know. But when it actually happens, cliche is the furthest thing from my mind.
I told him, straight up, with a little influence from some alcohol might I add, that I had feelings for him and it turns out, he felt the same way. As of now, he is indeed my boyfriend and I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. I can't imagine it any other way now and if I never said anything, if I didn't get off my ass and changed what I wanted to change about my life then who knows where I would be right now.
Sometimes, saying how you feel about something, anything, will benefit you enormously.
Because I realized that saying and doing what I want really isn't that scary, I have made many more friends and am not invisible anymore.
I am trying harder in school, and as a result, achieving high marks that I am very proud of.
Life isn't fine anymore
Life is the best it could possibly be.
I am really living now.
I don't feel scared to just do something and whatever the outcome, good or bad, I can handle it.
What have I been waiting for?
It's Better